About The Faith 101 Foundation
Funding Simple, Foundational, and Inspired Evangelization Efforts
Founded in 2023 by Deacon Thomas A. Strohmetz, The Faith 101 Foundation is on a mission to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. "101" – because rather than complex evangelization, our Faith 101 focuses on the foundational understanding of faith in God and our purpose in life, which is to know God, to love Him, and to serve Him in this lifetime, so that we can spend eternity with Him in heaven.

Our Mission
To awaken youth to our absolute dependence on God so that they don’t lose the faith that they do have, but, instead, to have “Faith for Life” in order to experience that lasting peace of mind and that deep soul filled joy throughout their lifetime that ONLY comes from Him. Essential to this is for youth to not “lose” their faith as they age.
To further awaken those who already have faith to a deeper relationship with God so as to know Him even more intimately, so that we don’t live as “casual Christians” which can cause us to miss out on that peace of mind and deep souled filled joy.
To awaken those who may have never had the opportunity to know God, that they too may experience an awakening in their heart, their mind, and their soul to our complete dependence on God, and then, to come to know Him more and more every day. In doing so, we come to know and experience a peace of mind and deep joy that simply cannot come from this world.
Meet the Board
The Faith 101 Foundation is under the fiduciary oversight of the following board members:
“Dear Lord, thank You for the life that You have given me, thank You for Your love, thank You for my faith – please increase my faith with every passing moment, bring me closer to You with every breath, and increase my trust in You and understanding with every heartbeat.”